Aerosoft CRJ Specific Controls

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Aerosoft CRJ Specific Controls

< 1 min read

Enable Aerosoft CRJ Support #

  • Ensure that the “AEROSOFT CRJ SUPPORT” toggle is blue in the ‘Aircraft’ tab in settings.
  • Finding Settings: Navigate to the ‘Flight Info’ tab, click the gear in the top left hand corner.

CRJ General Controls Page #

  1. Landing Elevation indicator and knob (tap knob and adjust with encoder)
  2. APU Power Fuel
  3. APU Start / Stop
  4. ELT Arm / Disarm
  5. Nosewheel Steering
  6. Spoilers Disarm
  7. Reverse Thrusters Arm
  8. IRS 1 / 2 Alignment
  9. No Smoking Signs
  10. Seat Belt Signs
  11. Parking Brake Engage / Disengage
  12. Gear Handle

CRJ Electrical Controls Page #

  1. DC Electrical Service Enable
  2. Battery Master
  3. AC Power
  4. Integrated Drive Generator 1
  5. AC ESS Bus Manual Transfer Switchh
  6. Integrated Drive Generator 2
  7. Electrical Gen 1
  8. APU Generator
  9. Electrical Gen 2
  10. Generator Transfer 1 / 2

CRJ Hydraulics & Fuel Controls Page #

  1. Hydraulic Pumps 1, 2, 3A and 3B
  2. Left / Right Hydraulic Shut-off Valve
  3. Left Fuel Boost Pump
  4. Fuel Gravity Cross-Flow
  5. Right Fuel Boost Pump
  6. Left Fuel Crossflow
  7. Crossflow Auto Override
  8. Right Fuel Crossflow

CRJ Icing & Lighting Controls Page #

  1. Wing Anti-Ice
  2. Engine Cowl Left / Right Anti-Ice
  3. Windshield Left / Right Anti-Ice
  4. Pitot Tube Left / Right Anti-Ice
  5. Lighting Controls: Navigation, Beacon, Strobe, Logo, Wing, Landing

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